Examples of possible visual styles to choose between, built out of standard Bootstrap styles. Parts of the forms not relevant to the discussion are elided or disabled.
Multidirectional calculator that solves for concentration, intake rate or dose when given any of the other two variables. Calculator can handle liquids in liquids (e.g. ethanol in water), solids in liquids (e.g. sugar in water) or solids in solids (e.g. sugar in flour). Calculator adjusts for differences in substance or solution density.
Multidirectional calculator that converts ppm or % in air to mg/m³ and mg/m³ to dose in mg/kg body weight.
Converts a dose in animals to a dose in humans using the FDA Guidance for Industry or EPA Guidance for Industry
Dose Calculator
Multidirectional calculator that solves for concentration, intake rate or dose when given any of the other two variables. Calculator can handle liquids in liquids (e.g. ethanol in water), solids in liquids (e.g. sugar in water) or solids in solids (e.g. sugar in flour). Calculator adjusts for differences in substance or solution density.Inhalation Dose Calculator
Multidirectional calculator that converts ppm or % in air to mg/m³ and mg/m³ to dose in mg/kg body weight.Human Equivalent Dose Calculator
Converts a dose in animals to a dose in humans using the FDA Guidance for Industry or EPA Guidance for IndustryMultidirectional calculator that solves for concentration, intake rate or dose when given any of the other two variables. Calculator can handle liquids in liquids (e.g. ethanol in water), solids in liquids (e.g. sugar in water) or solids in solids (e.g. sugar in flour). Calculator adjusts for differences in substance or solution density.
Multidirectional calculator that converts ppm or % in air to mg/m³ and mg/m³ to dose in mg/kg body weight.
Converts a dose in animals to a dose in humans using the FDA Guidance for Industry or EPA Guidance for Industry